Penis Enlargement: Recipes from Natural Medicine Books

Penis Enlargement: Recipes from Natural Medicine Books

Penis Enlargementو Recipes Naturalو Medicineو
Penis Enlargement

In today's article we will learn about the top five natural penis enlargement recipes, compiled by the most famous natural medicine books.
The dear reader should be alerted to the fact that herbs, medicinal plants, natural foods and what is taken for treatment and treatment in the form of medicines or natural recipes, whether they are food, drink or paint, should be subject to scientific regulation and modern medical testing. These natural remedies should be taken under the supervision of doctors, In herbal medicine, alternative medicine and food science, and that I am not responsible for the use of these prescriptions, medicines, herbal remedies, natural remedies without reference to specialists in this field.

The recipe of Grief to enlarge the male

Duration of treatment: The duration of adherence to the recipe is 2 to 3 weeks depending on the results obtained.
Side effects of the recipe: The ingredients are natural and therefore there are no side effects.
The source of the recipe: The recipe is transferred from the book (the cure for all diseases).
Side effects of the prescription: There are no side effects of the recipe and its composition is normal.

the ingredients :

1. 20 Worm of suspended water (one of the types of worms used in natural medical treatments, live this kind of worms in sweet water, swamps and evaporation)
2. 50 g of sesame oil.
3. 50 g of sea foam.
4. 50 grams of camels camel (fat on the camel, and was the ancient Arabs used as a treatment for many diseases)
5. 50 g of crushed ginger sticks.
How to prepare: Leaves the leaves in the sun for several days to dry, then crushed and mixed with ingredients all the previous Dkrha (camel - ground ginger - sesame oil)
Method of use: Wash your male organ with soap and water, then massage it in a circular way using the mixture and leave it for half an hour after repeated washing again. The prescription is valid for a full 21 days

Sesame oil recipe for penis enlargement

Duration of treatment: The duration of the treatment is twenty days, and in some cases the treatment may extend to thirty days according to the results obtained, and the increase ranges between 1 to 3 centimeter length, and 1 to 2 cm width.
Side effects of the recipe: There are no side effects of the recipe and its composition is pure natural.
The source of the recipe: The recipe was transferred to you from the book (natural herbal medicine.)

the ingredients :

1. 200 grams of sesame oil (an oil filled with ingredients that provide many health benefits to the body or penis)
2. 70 grams of kandar grains - gum - extracted from the branches of trees, and has great benefits in the fertility of men and women, has been advised by the Prophet, the best prayer and delivery, where he said: (feed your ropes frankincense)
Preparation: Take 200 grams of sesame oil and add 70 grams of canard and leave them on low heat for several minutes until the gum is dried. Then remove the pieces that are not dried and leave to cool, then fill in a glass bowl and store in a safe place.
How to use: Apply oil to the penis using circular movements on a daily basis before sleeping, and you will notice the difference after 10 days of using the recipe, and you should continue it for 20 days.
Note for married couples: Stop trying to have intimate relationships during treatment.

Free honey recipe to enlarge the penis

Duration of treatment: This recipe will be kept for 30 days.
Side effects of the recipe: There are no side effects, God willing, the components are normal.
The source of the recipe: The recipe transferred to you from the book of the mark Dr. Ahmed (herb Chvini).

the ingredients :

1. 3 teaspoons of spice
2. A teaspoon of black pepper
3. 2 tablespoons of galangal
4. 30 g of musk
5. 3 spoons of ginger
6. 150 grams of free honey
Preparation: Grind all ingredients, add honey, mix well until mixture is mixed, and kept in a plastic or glass container.
 How to use: Put your penis in the mixture and leave it for 10 minutes, then wash your body well with water and repeated it every day, for 30 days.

The recipe for sea foam to enlarge the male

Duration of treatment: varies from person to person where it can be sustained for 15 days or 25 days depending on desired results.
Side effects of the mixture: The ingredients are very normal and are exposed daily so there are no side effects.

the ingredients :

1. 100 grams of sea butter (please note that the sea butter is the remains of squid and not sea foam)
2. A glass of mineral water (please also note that this is the water of the well or the eyes and not the water of the rust-filled pipes and bacteria)
Preparation: Grind the sea foam well and add a glass of mineral water and leave them for a full day.
Directions: Wash the mixture daily for 25 days.

Dear readers, herbal treatment, although harmless, should be monitored directly by a specialist in botanical medicine.
Care must be taken from the herbalist, who deceives ordinary people with bad recipes and may harm the person and lead to his sexual life. It has become known that both the human and the bear exploit the suffering of people from the disease, and sell the illusion, cheating and deceit, and what are the most claim to herbal treatment at the present time.

Is there a scientific way to increase male size?

Of course there is a scientific way to increase the size of the penis, relying on a device working on the principle of cellular proliferation also known as "cytokines". It is a safe, natural, effective and proven method.
Doctors around the world use this principle to lengthen different parts of the body (for example, victims of burns). The process is similar to using the principle of reproduction when breaking bones, to stimulate the body to begin to create large amounts of cells to "fix" the fracture area. Standardized tensile strength applied by the enlarged uniformly ensures the production of new cells uniformly along the penis, (balance between both the length and the belt). .


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